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Who we’ve worked with to help build more supportive environments.
Nonprofit Partners
Our programs have helped over 50 nonprofit organizations. Learn more about their journey with reDirect.

"Having the space to think about how we work...and the opportunity to talk about the work in a peer learning environment, to me was really exciting." - Katie Navin, Executive Director of CAEE
!["We realized that we really needed to do a better job with onboarding and help people understand the culture we're creating...that was one of the things we used the [SEE] framework for." - Rachel Basye, Executive Director of ASLD](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61d95793d1c0c53ea853cd37/eb622d56-46d5-493c-a9b5-7157db754cf6/Copy+of+community+shares.png)
"We realized that we really needed to do a better job with onboarding and help people understand the culture we're creating...that was one of the things we used the [SEE] framework for." - Rachel Basye, Executive Director of ASLD

"The ability to have peers that were really in the same chair as you, along with the financing, the time, and the space to be able to sit with other executive directors and CEO's, was a rare privilege for people who are leaders of their organizations." -Kristy Judd, Executive Director of Spark the Change Colorado

"When organizations ask us what they can do to build equitable environments, we now feel as though we can confidently share our own experiences using SEE as a tool to help create (what can often be an elusive) culture of belonging." -Amy Lytle, Executive Director at HandsOn NWNC

"We were lucky to join a reDirect cohort during a time of organizational transition. The learning process to explore, understand, and apply SEE amongst peers to address needs, challenges, and concerns was the most valuable part of the experience. SEE is a framework that must be embraced by the leadership of an organization." - Erin Atwell, Executive Director of Community Shares

"In addition to the SEE framework helping me hold myself accountable for self-care, I will also be using it as we continue to invite others to grow with us and deliver United Way’s mission." -Kayla Paulson, Senior Manager at UWECI

"Small experiments lead to more effective and lasting results. We learned that we may need to try a few different things to find the solution that actually addresses the underlying problem, and that small experiments help us more accurately identify the underlying problem...faster, and with less frustration and wasted effort." - Julia Stewart, Executive Director of TGP

"CRC’s engagement with reDirect has been a transformative experience during a time of exciting growth and change. Staff identified communication, accessibility, and workload as key areas for improvement. Using SEE, we've refined and implemented tools and strategies to make our work and our team more effective and efficient." - Maria Fabula, Executive Director of CRC

"Our small experiment taken on during the cohort helped staff see themselves as a more meaningful component of donor stewardship. Without it, staff would have continued to work in silos ...and donor engagement would have suffered." - Sierra Pope, Community Engagement Manager at Willis Dady Homeless Services

"The Board’s involvement in examining our issues in light of SEE and with the support and guidance of reDirect helped us all step outside of our ‘business-as-usual’ frames of mind and gain new perspective on how we could set ourselves up for success." -Kim Yuan-Farrell, Executive Director of TPP

"I see small experiments everywhere now. From reassessing the needs of our program to creating quarterly questionnaires, every aspect of volunteer management has room to be improved." - Stevi Hatcher, Education, Activities, and Volunteer Coordinator at Lambuth Family Center - Salvation Army

"CNA recently merged with another organization. Using SEE, we had a better understanding of ourselves as individuals and as a whole, and had created structures that reflect the kind of culture and operating environment we strive for. It made the cultural integration of the new team members joyous." - Renny Fagan, Executive Director of CNA

"Doing these small experiments in the cohort allowed us to take reasonable steps instead of getting caught up trying to implement something larger. And the SEE Framework has inspired us to look at our problem-solving in a new way." - Audrey Miklitsch, Community Engagement Coordinator at CASA of Jefferson & Gilpin Counties

"The concept of a mental model, in particular, gave us a framework for thinking about things that we never had before. Working for Playworks isn’t like working for any other company, and SEE taught us that the more we can prepare people for what it’s like to be here, the more likely they are to stay." -Andrea Woolley, Executive Director of Playworks

"We came into the SEE cohort to address a noted shift in participation in our events and volunteer committees post-COVID. Through a series of small changes during the cohort, our committees developed a more robust membership and leadership." - Emily Andrews & Team, Executive Director of MGGBC

"As time evolved, SEE became a way of thinking and not just a project. The learning cohort allowed my team to use SEE on a regular basis to make changes and review checks and balances. It's become a concept that management uses to inform decision making on a daily basis." - Lynne Picard, Executive Director of YEA

"The SEE framework has given us the tools to tackle board engagement. Now we have the language to identify the "why" and the "how" for soliciting participation in activities critical to our mission." - Melanie, Operations Coordinator at Urban Harvest STL

"I am integrating SEE not only in my work, but also in other projects and relationships...I was too often focused on the finish line, uninterested in spending time on the details. But with SEE, I now rearrange my thought process to make space for others- I get out of my own way." Michele Francesconi, VP of Capacity Building, Training & Strategic Initiatives at Jersey Cares

"Learning about the SEE framework offered a parallel model that complemented and reinforced the work we do in our classrooms. Intentionally cultivating environments is an opportunity to introduce a "Third Teacher." - Ayana Verdi, Founder of Verdi EcoSchool

"Our staff onboarding and orientation has become substantially more streamlined and efficient with the implementation of SEE. It now provides the space, time and clarity that a new team member needs when starting their role." - Nichole Everman, Executive Director of A Precious Child

"Our engagement with reDirect to learn and use SEE has really emphasized that everyone wants their voice to be heard. So making sure that happens, and that staff and volunteers are respected, can help in understanding the positive impact they make on the organization." - Chris Swope Cholewa, Executive Director of HOSC

“When we realized that the DEI training we were using for new managers was not clicking, I was so excited that SEE existed as a model to help us pivot how we were delivering it.” - Elaine Tokolahi, Director of Volunteer Services at CVNL